Transportation and Works
November 5, 2015

Public Advisory: Motorists Advised of Upcoming Trans-Canada Highway Closure Near Soldier's Pond

The Department of Transportation and Works advises motorists that the Trans-Canada Highway (TCH) in the Soldier's Pond and Kelly's Pond area will be completely closed to vehicular traffic from 8:00 p.m., Friday, November 13 to 6:00 a.m., Monday, November 16. The closure is to accommodate the installation of a new culvert at Kelly's Pond, spanning the four lanes of the TCH. Lane reductions have been in place in recent weeks in the area as a preventative safety measure.

During the upcoming closure, westbound traffic will be directed down the Foxtrap Access Road, while eastbound traffic will exit at Salmonier Line, Holyrood Access, or Witless Bay Line.

Full closure of the affected area of the TCH for three days will help ensure reduced impact on daily commuters. All communities and local emergency responders in the affected areas have been advised of the upcoming closure.

Motorists are reminded to pay particular attention to the posted speed limits along the various detour routes, and to drive with caution at all times due to the increased level of traffic in the communities along the detour routes.

The Department of Transportation and Works requests the cooperation and patience of drivers, and apologizes for any inconvenience this closure may cause.

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Media contact:

Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Transportation and Works
709-729-3015, 689-2624

2015 11 05                              2:00 p.m.