Transportation and Works
October 23, 2015

Public Advisory: Motorists Advised of Additional East Bound Lane Closure on Trans-Canada Highway

The Department of Transportation and Works advises motorists that a section of the eastbound Trans-Canada Highway (TCH), near Soldier's Pond, will be reduced to one lane effective Monday, October 26, to accommodate work associated with a culvert replacement near Kelly's Pond.

Motorists are reminded that the westbound lane closure, which has been in place as a precaution to prevent additional damage to the existing culvert, remains in effect. The culvert replacement is anticipated to be completed by mid-November.

The posted speed limit in the area will remain at 50 kilometres per hour, and the public is reminded to use caution in the area and follow all construction signage.

The Department of Transportation and Works requests the cooperation and patience of drivers, and apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Media contact:

Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Transportation and Works
709-729-3015, 689-2624

2015 10 23                              2:40 p.m.