Seniors, Wellness and Social Development
March 18, 2015

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Clyde Jackman, Minister of Seniors, Wellness and Social Development:

Provincial Government Recognizes National Nutrition Month

Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize March as National Nutrition Month and today, March 18, as Dietician Day in Canada.

The Provincial Government is pleased to support Nutrition Month in partnership with Dietitians of Newfoundland and Labrador, other government departments, and many of our community partners. The theme of this year’s Nutrition Month campaign is Eating 9 to 5! It is intended to inspire us all to eat better at work, and to make other positive changes for a healthier workplace.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Seniors, Wellness and Social Development was created, in part, to bring more focus to government-wide efforts to promote physical activity, healthy eating and other wellness initiatives. In recognition of this year’s Nutrition Month theme, the department is working with the Human Resource Secretariat to promote healthy eating throughout government departments by promoting Putting Health on the Agenda, A Model Policy for Healthy Meetings and Events.

We are also working with Regional Health Authorities to promote this policy, along with our partners in education to promote the School Food Guidelines. Their collective efforts and important work support residents, communities and families.

Earlier today, I took some time to visit a Nutrition Month Expo held in the West Block. The expo included four exhibitors: Eat Great and Participate, the Kids Eat Smart Foundation, the School Milk Foundation and the Food Security Network. The expo provided a great opportunity to learn more about how these local organizations are helping to support healthy eating in the community.

Dietitians are working throughout the province to promote healthy eating in our communities and hospitals, rehabilitation centres, and in primary care, long-term care, private practice, government, public health, industry and educational institutions. They use the evidence-based science of nutrition and promotional efforts to help residents make healthy food choices, separate fact from fiction, and promote healthy eating habits to prevent and manage nutrition-related chronic diseases.

I invite all members of this House to please join me in thanking dietitians throughout the province for their work and to recognize their contributions to the health of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2015 03 18                             2:25 p.m.