Service NL
April 10, 2015

Public Advisory: Overflow Seating Established for Motor Vehicle Registration Division at Sir Richard Squires Building in Corner Brook

Service NL advises the public that while the department operates out of the temporary location on the third floor of the Sir Richard Squires building, overflow seating has been established in the lobby. This overflow seating will accommodate clients during high volume visitation and will remain in place until the original offices on the ground floor of the building are restored. Service NL anticipates returning to its original office on the ground floor of the Sir Richard Squires building in June.

Service NL reminds that individuals can also conveniently access services online at, by email at, or by calling 1-877-636-6867.

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Media contact:

Jason Card
Director of Communications
Service NL
709-729-4860, 699-0470

2015 04 10                             11:25 a.m.