Service NL
March 30, 2015

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Dan Crummell, Minister of Service NL:

Fraud Prevention Month Concludes

I rise in this Honourable House to note the conclusion of Fraud Prevention Month. This occasion is recognized throughout Canada each March to raise awareness of the dangers of all types of fraud, and to provide information that helps people protect themselves against it.

Mr. Speaker, as part of Fraud Prevention Month, jurisdictions across Canada promote �Check Registration Day.� Observed this year on March 18, this annual event was created by the Canadian Securities Administrators to guard against investment fraud. It encourages consumers to check the registration of any investment service provider before engaging their services.

Mr. Speaker, Service NL, in partnership with the other Canadian Securities Administrators, will only register firms and individuals that meet specific qualifications and standards. Knowing if a service provider is registered confirms whether an individual or company is authorized to sell investments or offer investment advice.

Consumers can check for registration quickly by using the National Registration search engine at , or by contacting the Financial Services Regulation Division of Service NL at 709-729-2602.

Mr. Speaker, the Consumer and Commercial Affairs Branch of Service NL is dedicated to protecting the people of our province from all types of fraud, and makes information and resources available to keep Newfoundlanders and Labradorians informed. I encourage everyone to visit the Service NL website, where they will find useful information that helps protect consumers throughout the province, including a list of all currently licensed or registered financial service providers.

The consumer protection services provided by our government play an important role in realizing our vision for a prosperous Newfoundland and Labrador. Through regulation and information sharing, we help protect the interests of consumers across a wide range of financial activities. As Fraud Prevention Month concludes, I encourage people throughout the province to learn more about the risks associated with various types of fraud that take place, and to avail of the information and services we provide to stay informed and protect themselves.

Thank you, Mister Speaker.

2015 03 31                             1:55 p.m.