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Transportation and Works
June 11, 2013

The following is being distributed at the request of Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation:

Research Gets Underway to Quantify Homelessness Needs

Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation (NLHC) has retained OrgCode Consulting Inc. to help gain a better understanding of the housing and homelessness issues throughout Newfoundland Labrador. The findings will inform future decision-making and ensure that all needs, including those that may be hidden from view, are considered.

“It has been four years since we first released and began to work with our Provincial Social Housing Plan: Secure Foundations, so this is a very timely exercise,” said the Honourable Paul Davis, Minister Responsible for NLHC. “By engaging people in all regions of the province, we hope to quantify and better understand the homeless and at-risk populations, identify gaps and barriers in services, and make recommendations on how to better support these populations and the community-based entities that serve them.” 

NLHC received 11 responses from the local and nationally issued proposal call for this important research study. A selection committee comprising government and community partner representatives confirmed OrgCode Consulting Inc. as the successful proponent. Further information on OrgCode can be found in the backgrounder.

OrgCode will conduct interviews in each region of the province during June and July with the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing and Homelessness Network (NLHHN), Community Advisory Boards (CABs), key stakeholders involved in the planning and delivery of services to the homeless or those at-risk of becoming homeless; as well as people with lived experience.

“We are looking forward to participating fully in this project and discussing provincial housing and homelessness issues,” said Gail Tobin, Chair of the NLHHN. “Our hope is that in the end this research and evaluation will give us greater insight into the incidence of homelessness in each region of the province, and how we can alleviate this issue.”

Residents of Newfoundland and Labrador wishing to participate in the review process or to provide comments are encouraged to contact OrgCode directly. Input is welcome via email or telephone until July 31, 2013. Contact information is outlined in the following backgrounder.

The final report, due in October, will provide insight into the incidence and scope of homelessness throughout the province, identify future directions and priorities for the NLHHN and recommend effective strategies to end homelessness. The findings of this project will guide future decisions related to program priorities and funding investments throughout our province.

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Media contacts:

Carol Ann Carter
Director of Communications (Acting)
Department of Transportation and Works
709-729-1758, 631-9505
Jenny Bowring
Manager, Communications
Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation
Gail Tobin
Chair of Newfoundland and Labrador
Housing and Homelessness Network


OrgCode Consulting Inc. Conducts Research on Homelessness

OrgCode has been in operation for over 30 years serving the needs of the public, non-profit, private and non-governmental sectors with extensive experience in the field of housing and homelessness. OrgCode has developed housing and homelessness plans in Ontario, capacity building and program evaluation with community-based organizations in Alberta, and performance measurement evaluations for human services in Saskatchewan.

For more information about the Research of Provincial Homelessness Needs and evaluation of the NLHHN project, to request participation in a key informant interview, or for anyone interested in providing feedback please contact Tracy at tflaherty-willmott@orgcode.com or call 1-800-355-0420, ext. 7.

If you are a service provider and wish to participate in an online survey that will assist in the Research of Homelessness Needs in Newfoundland and Labrador project, please follow this link: www.research.net/s/NLHC_ServiceProviders  

2013 06 11                         3:30 p.m.

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