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Tourism, Culture and Recreation
November 13, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Terry French, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation:

Province’s Music Industry Recognized at 2013 MusicNL Awards

Mr. Speaker, for more than 20 years, Music Newfoundland and Labrador (MusicNL) has played a significant role in supporting and encouraging musicians in this province. On Sunday evening, I had the opportunity to attend their 2013 awards gala in Gander, an event which was the culmination of a week of workshops, roundtable discussions, songwriters’ circles and other activities dedicated to musical artists in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Some of the awards presented this year include The Once as Entertainer of the Year, while Ennis received the FACTOR Album of the Year and Canadian AV Group of the Year. Amelia Curran received SOCAN Songwriter of the Year and Folk/Roots Artist/Group of the Year. Some of the genre specific awards presented included the Idlers as Alternative Artist or Group of the Year, and RocketRocketShip as Pop/Rock Artist/Group of the Year.

Mr. Speaker, I had the distinguished pleasure of presenting the Lifetime Achievement Award to Maxine Stanley of Grand Falls-Windsor at the awards gala. Ms. Stanley was honored for a lifetime dedicated to advancing the arts - particularly choral music - in the province. She has conducted the Bel Canto Singers for more than 30 years and has served on the board of directors of numerous arts and culture-based institutions such as the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council and The Rooms. The Lifetime Achievement Award is a wonderful means by which we can celebrate the outstanding contributions of leaders such as Ms. Stanley who have contributed tremendously to the Newfoundland and Labrador music community.

The amount of musical talent in Newfoundland and Labrador, both established and emerging, is remarkable, Mr. Speaker, and opportunities to showcase this talent such as Music NL’s conference and awards gala is important. Music artists are provided with the opportunity to work with industry professionals, hone their skills and learn how to successfully promote their music. At the same time, the public is given an opportunity to get a peek at some of our most promising rising stars.

Mr. Speaker, our province’s music sector is an important contributor to our cultural industries, and our government is proud to support MusicNL with $350,000 annually. Since the launch of Creative Newfoundland and Labrador: The Blueprint for Development and Investment in Culture in 2006, our government has invested $87 million through the plan to promote culture and heritage. Undoubtedly, these investments have contributed to the outstanding performances by artists of all genres and sectors within our cultural community.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 11 13                                     2:15 p.m.

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