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Tourism, Culture and Recreation
May 8, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Terry French, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation:

Minister Congratulates 2013 Arts and Letters Awards Recipients

Mr. Speaker, I rise in this Honourable House to congratulate the winners of the 2013 Arts and Letters Awards which were presented this past weekend at a ceremony at The Rooms. More than $47,000 was awarded to recipients in a number of categories including literary arts, music, visual arts and digital multi-media.

The Arts and Letters Awards Program, Mr. Speaker, encourages the creation of new works of art by both professional and non-professional artists in Newfoundland and Labrador by providing an opportunity to submit works for adjudication at an annual competition. For the past 61 years, this program has played a fundamental role in the encouragement and support of artistic impression. Since its inception in 1952, it has recognized some of the province’s most well-known artists. The hallmark of this program is the acknowledgement of the creative talent of established writers, composers and visual artists, as well as the province’s young up-and-coming talent.

Mr. Speaker, in the junior division, there were 36 winning entrants ages 12 to 18 and, in the senior division, there were 38 winning entrants. Overall, 611 entries were submitted. The Percy Janes First Novel Award, the event’s top prize of $1,500, was awarded to Mary Pike of St. John’s for her manuscript entitled Never-Ever-Land.

Newfoundland and Labrador is renowned for its rich and vibrant culture, and boasts a wealth of talented artists who have made their mark locally, nationally and internationally, Mr. Speaker. Many of these artists gained their first recognition through the Arts and Letters Awards program.

Once again this year, Mr. Speaker, our government has reiterated its commitment to our province’s cultural industries, allocating more than $17 million in Budget 2013: A Sound Plan, A Secure Future. This represents an $87 million investment in the sector since 2006 when we launched our blueprint for development and investment in culture.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 05 08             2:20 p.m.

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