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Service NL
November 27, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Dan Crummell, Minister of Service NL:

Regulatory Reform Initiative Builds on Success to Reduce Red Tape

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to provide an update on the implementation of the Accountability Framework for Regulatory Reform established by this government in October 2012. The first of its kind in Canada, the framework requires departments to provide regular plans and reports to ensure regulations are necessary, easy to understand and accessible by the average citizen.

The Accountability Framework builds on our commitment as a government to continue to achieve zero net growth in the number of regulatory requirements. Since 2006, approximately 80,000 regulatory requirements have been eliminated and this commitment remains a pillar of the regulatory reform initiative. Our primary goal remains reducing red tape and improving the accessibility of services to businesses and the general public.

Mr. Speaker, departments submitted their first three-year Regulatory Improvement Plans last spring which, collectively, contain many activities to simplify the regulatory processes for businesses and individuals of this province. These plans include actions which will enhance the accessibility of services, simplify legislation and further reduce the regulatory burden placed on the public so that their time can be better spent on carrying out business and contributing to our economy.

This spring, upon one full year of the implementation of our Accountability Framework, we will report to the public on our progress on regulatory reform. I am proud of our success to date, which recently included the implementation of online ordering for birth, marriage and death certificates, and the expansion of BizPaL, an online business permit and licence service which now reaches 72 per cent of the population. I am equally pleased about the impact our new Regulatory Improvement Plans will have, and I believe it is important we communicate our efforts and progress to the public.

Mr. Speaker, this initiative is a permanent function of the Provincial Government and clearly demonstrates our continued dedication to reducing red tape. With the implementation of the Accountability Framework, we are seeing a cultural shift that supports the development of sound regulations and policies and enhances the customer service experience with government.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 11 27                                     2:20 p.m.

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