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Service NL
July 26, 2013

Company Sentenced in Harbour Grace Provincial Court

Service NL announced today that Barry Group Inc. was sentenced in Harbour Grace Provincial Court on June 25, 2013 upon pleading guilty to two violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Charges were laid in May 2012 following an investigation carried out by the Occupational Health and Safety Division.

The incident occurred at the wharf in Harbour Grace in August 2010 and involved a worker who was a fisherman but not a company employee. The victim was struck by a forklift and sustained serious injuries which resulted in his mobility being severely restricted.

The company pleaded guilty to the charge of failing to ensure that the maintenance of the forklift met the requirements of the applicable CSA standard and received a $10,000 fine. It also pleaded guilty to the charge of failing to conduct the undertaking so that persons not in their employ were not exposed to hazards, and must pay a $25,000 fine. In addition, the company is to make a $5,000 contribution to the Minister of Service NL for the purpose of public education, for a total of $40,000 in penalties.

The remaining two charges against the company were withdrawn, as was the single charge against the company supervisor.

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Media contact:
Vanessa Colman-Sadd
Director of Communications
Service NL
709-729-4860, 682-6593

2013 07 26             11:35 a.m.

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