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Municipal Affairs
September 9, 2013

Town’s 75th Anniversary of Incorporation Reinforces Importance of Local Governance

Municipal councils are the cornerstone of towns and cities across the province, and contribute greatly to the development and growth of sustainable communities. This is particularly significant as this year marks the 75th anniversary of the incorporation of Windsor as the first town in Newfoundland and Labrador.

“This is a significant milestone, as it allows us to take a moment to look back at the history of this province, and the changing face of Newfoundland and Labrador,” said the Honourable Kevin O’Brien, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “Through the perseverance of individuals, and councils, we have been able to improve basic services such as garbage collection and street lighting to support our communities as new industrial growth occurs across the province. This work allows all of our residents to enjoy a greater quality of life within their communities.”

The former Town of Windsor was incorporated in 1938. The nearby community of Grand Falls was a company town, with the majority of its residents working for the A.N.D Company. Others living in the area built their own community around the local railway station, which became known as Windsor in the 1930s. The two towns amalgamated in 1991.

The incorporation of towns in the province allowed for greater local involvement and provided a mechanism to setup municipal councils to work on behalf of residents for the improvement of important services. The Town of Windsor Act made Windsor the first community outside of St. John’s with its own formally incorporated and elected council. This new council was able to administer the growing town, regulate development, and ensure safe conditions for residents.

“On behalf of the Provincial Government, I offer thanks to all of those who have played a role in their communities over the years,” said Minister O’Brien. “In particular, as we approach the municipal election, I encourage all residents to take inspiration from our proud history of formal local government and Make Your Mark by supporting the candidates for election, and voting on September 24.”

For more information on the upcoming municipal election, visit www.makeyourmarknl.ca.

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Media contact:
Hugh Donnan
Director of Communications
Department of Municipal Affairs
709-729-1983, 725-6511

2013 09 09                                       11:10 a.m.

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