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Municipal Affairs
April 15, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Kevin O’Brien, Minister of Municipal Affairs:

Minister Commemorates Battle of Vimy Ridge

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today in this Honourable House, to commemorate the recent 96th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

It was on a spring morning in 1917 that 10,602 young Canadian soldiers, representing four divisions of the Canadian core, fought together for the first time ever, and against all odds took Vimy Ridge from the German Sixth Army.

Mr. Speaker, the Battle of Vimy Ridge has considerable significance for Canada. Although the battle is not generally considered the greatest achievement of the Canadian Corps in its importance or final result, it brought our forces together like never before. This unity saw soldiers from all across the country fighting alongside each other. This image of national unity has been seen by historians as a symbol of our country’s national identity and has widely been identified as a moment of nation building.

At 100 hectares, the Canadian National Vimy Memorial is Canada’s largest overseas memorial. It was opened in 1936 and serves as a constant reminder of the commitment and dedication of our soldiers to fight for the freedom of our neighbours in foreign lands.

Mr. Speaker, that commitment continues today. Our peacekeeping forces have been involved in many missions since World War I and have worked to protect, defend and safeguard the innocent and helpless.

Canada remains an important partner in UN peacekeeping missions. This country has sent over 120,000 troops as part of UN peacekeeping missions, and has the second highest number of peacekeeping fatalities with 114.

Mr. Speaker, as we watch our troops standing tall and proud as they continue on today’s important missions, we look back with pride at those who fought, and those who died, so many years ago defending our freedom at Vimy Ridge. Lest we never forget the contribution and sacrifice which they made.

Thank you Mr. Speaker.

2013 04 15                     1:45 p.m.

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