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March 11, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Darin King, Minister of Justice:

RCMP’s Annual Klondike Night Continues to be a Resounding Success

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to acknowledge the continued success of the RCMP’s annual Klondike Night. This year’s impressive event on March 1 marked the 30th year of the fundraiser which has contributed significantly to so many worthy causes in Newfoundland and Labrador. Over that time, Klondike Night has raised approximately $900,000 for various non-profit organizations in the province.

Every year, different charities are chosen to receive the monies raised from the event, with groups such as the Newfoundland and Labrador Down Syndrome Society, the Seniors Resource Centre, Children’s Wish Foundation, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Brain Injury Association being past recipients. This year’s beneficiaries are the Citizens' Crime Prevention Association and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Mr. Speaker, Klondike Night has come a long way since $3,700 was raised during the first one in 1983. That figure has increased on an almost annual basis and last year the total had risen to almost $70,000. To make the event a success, donations are collected for silent auctions, spin wheels, and door prizes. Throughout the night patrons have the opportunity to listen to live music and play games of chance. Besides an evening of amusement, all those who attend know that their donations will go directly to help those in our community who are in need of assistance.

I would like to extend congratulations to the RCMP Klondike Night Committee on putting off another great event this year. A special thank you should also be extended to the 508 Caribou Air Cadets, whose assistance was much appreciated in managing the coat check and collecting donations.

Mr. Speaker, the Provincial Government continues to support the RCMP as a vital part of our law enforcement services as evidenced by our new 20-year policing agreement that we signed last year. I am extremely proud of their endeavours as they continue making such worthwhile contributions to the people of our province.

I ask all Honourable members to join me in commending the RCMP for their outstanding commitment to raising funds for so many charitable organizations over the past 30 years. We look forward to seeing the success of the RCMP’s Annual Klondike Night for many years to come.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 03 11                          2:20 p.m.

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