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Innovation, Business and Rural Development
December 24, 2013

Energizing the Economy Through Trade and Investment Opportunities

Provincial Government Supports Local Business Participation in International Trade Missions

With strategic investments of $220,000 in support of participation in international trade missions in 2013, the Provincial Government remains firmly committed to supporting business development opportunities in Newfoundland and Labrador.

“Newfoundland and Labrador has a strong business climate which is attractive to companies looking to establish and expand their operations. In 2013, our government has provided funding support to 90 companies, supporting local business attendance to 21 trade missions to Brazil, China, Germany, London, Ireland, the United States, Panama and Costa Rica. Our ability to support businesses in this capacity reflects our commitment to attract new investment, diversify the economy, and create new employment opportunities for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.”
- The Honourable Charlene Johnson, Minister of Innovation, Business and Rural Development

Trade and investment is critical to the province’s economic success and trade missions fuel important partnerships and provide opportunities to demonstrate the calibre of work, research and innovative capacity that has been established in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Department of Innovation, Business and Rural Development is currently working in consultation with stakeholders to identify key priorities to support trade opportunities for 2014-15. Future trade missions under discussion include the United States, Brazil, China and markets within the European Union.

Through sound fiscal management and responsible decisions, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is strengthening the business environment, encouraging the development of innovative industries and building a vibrant economy.


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Media contact:
Heather MacLean
Director of Communications
Department of Innovation, Business and Rural Development
709-729-4570, 697-4137

2013 12 24             11:15 a.m.


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