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Health and Community Services
October 9, 2013

Mental Illness Awareness Week Aims to Stop the Stigma

Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are joining with Canadians across the country in recognizing Mental Illness Awareness Week. The week, which runs from October 6 to 12, is an important time to encourage residents to become more educated and open-minded about the realities of mental illness.

“We know that one of the greatest challenges in advancing mental health awareness and acceptance is finding ways to address the stigma that is often attached to mental illness,” said the Honourable Susan Sullivan, Minister of Health and Community Services. “The Provincial Government is working diligently to create awareness and promote understanding within our communities through education and awareness activities. This is a significant focus for our government. We have close to 900 people working to support individuals with mental health and addictions and we have invested approximately $43 million in the last four years to enhance services throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.”

Mental Illness Awareness Week is an annual, national public education event coordinated by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health. A major component of Mental Illness Awareness Week is the Faces of Mental Illness campaign, a national outreach initiative featuring the stories of Canadians living in recovery from mental illness.

“Mental illness affects us all either personally or through our loved ones, friends and coworkers,” said Dr. Nizar Ladha, Vice-Chair of the Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council. “We are all responsible for leading change. We can all become more aware and understanding of mental illness and together create supportive environments so individuals who need support feel comfortable in reaching out.”

For a listing of events taking place throughout Newfoundland and Labrador in recognition of Mental Illness Awareness Week, please visit www.cmhanl.ca.

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Media contact:
Scott Barfoot
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-1377, 690-6290

2013 10 09                                     2:45 p.m.

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