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Health and Community Services
June 14, 2013

Minister Highlights National Brain Injury Awareness Month

June is National Brain Injury Awareness Month and the Honourable Susan Sullivan, Minister of Health and Community Services is taking the opportunity to highlight the importance of exercising safe practices to prevent brain injuries. National Brain Injury Awareness Month is an initiative of the Brain Injury Association of Canada.

“Regardless of a person’s age we are all vulnerable to brain injuries,” said Minister Sullivan. “While June is National Brain Injury Awareness Month and there is greater recognition of the frequency and severity of preventable brain injuries, it is important that all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are knowledgeable of the impacts of brain injuries and take the necessary protective measures to avoid injury year-round.”

To help reduce injuries, the Provincial Government has provided more than $250,000 to the Newfoundland and Labrador Brain Injury Association, the Newfoundland and Labrador Injury Prevention Coalition, and the Atlantic Collaborative for Injury Prevention. Additionally, legislation has been passed to decrease driver distraction with regards to cell phone usage.

In 2009-10, Statistics Canada reported that 4.27 million Canadians aged 12 or older experienced a brain injury severe enough to limit their usual activities, with falls being the leading cause of injury.

“Injury prevention is a key priority of the Provincial Wellness Plan,” said Minister Sullivan. “Through the plan’s implementation, our government is working with the regional health authorities, the regional wellness coalitions and community groups to promote safety and prevent injuries through awareness campaigns. One particular area of focus has been to heighten awareness of concussions and helmet safety throughout the province.”

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Media contact:
Scott Barfoot
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-1377, 690-6290

2013 06 14                                  11:05 a.m.

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