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Health and Community Services
April 24, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Susan Sullivan, Minister of Health and Community Services:

Daffodil Day Recognizes Those Affected By Cancer

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to inform this Honourable House that April 27 is National Daffodil Day. In our lifetime, one in three people in our province will be diagnosed with cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society created Daffodil Day to let them know that they aren’t alone.

On Daffodil Day, the Canadian Cancer Society asks that individuals wear a daffodil pin as a show of support for those living with cancer. Daffodil Day is a day to take a moment to reflect on the individuals we know who are on a cancer journey and to remember those who have died.

Mr. Speaker, our government continues to work to enhance cancer care in the province and to improve quality in our health care system through investments in equipment and services for prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Including Budget 2013 funding, the Provincial Government has invested over $155 million in cancer treatment and prevention since 2004.

Our government continues to demonstrate high levels of support for women and men who access cancer care and treatment. The recent budget included an allocation to the Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program to allow for the funding of 12 new drug therapies, eight of which will assist in the treatment of various forms of cancer; funding to allow for new cancer drug therapies for the Cancer Care and Hematology Program at Eastern Health; the continued expansion of the Provincial Breast Cancer Screening Program to allow women aged 40 to 49 to participate in screening; and, funding for the continuation of the highly successful Newfoundland and Labrador Colon Cancer Screening Program.

Mr. Speaker, our investments in cancer treatment and prevention are helping to improve the lives of cancer patients and their families throughout the province. During April, which is Cancer Awareness Month, and especially on Daffodil Day, I encourage residents of the province to do something special for someone living with cancer or to contribute in some way to the fight against this disease.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 04 24                             2:25 p.m.

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