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Health and Community Services
April 17, 2013

National Immunization Awareness Week Observed in the Province

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in this Honourable House to recognize April 20 to 27 as National Immunization Awareness Week in Newfoundland and Labrador.

National Immunization Awareness Week is an initiative of Immunize Canada. This organization works to control and eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases by increasing awareness of the benefits and risks of immunization for all ages. One hundred years ago, infectious diseases were the leading cause of death worldwide. In Canada, they now cause less than five per cent of all deaths – thanks to successful immunization programs across the country.

Mr. Speaker, immunization has long been recognized as the most cost-effective public health measure that has saved lives. Many diseases are safely and effectively controlled by immunization, thereby reducing the burden of illness in our communities. Immunization is an important public health measure for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. In this province, the majority of immunizations are provided through the public health clinics by our dedicated public health nurses and on behalf of the Provincial Government, I commend them for their efforts.

The first smallpox vaccine in North America was administered in Trinity in the 1700s. Immunization has been part of the public health programs in Newfoundland and Labrador since the early 1900s. In 2009, our province reported the highest uptake in Canada for the pandemic influenza vaccine, and the numbers of reported cases were significantly reduced within weeks of the vaccine being introduced.

Mr. Speaker, Newfoundland and Labrador now boasts immunization coverage rates that are meeting or greater than the national targets of over 90 per cent for all childhood and school-based programs. I am also pleased to note that 90 per cent of Grade 6 girls in the province have received the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. This is the highest immunization coverage rate for this vaccine in Canada.

Parents, health care professionals, and anyone at increased risk are encouraged to contact their local public health office or their health provider to ensure they have received all the vaccines for which they are eligible. There are many myths related to vaccines, for accurate information the public are encouraged to seek information on the Department of Health and Community Services’ website.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 04 17             2:20 p.m.

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