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Health and Community Services
March 21, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Susan Sullivan, Minister of Health and Community Services:

Purple Day Raises Awareness of Epilepsy

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to inform this Honourable House that March 26 is Purple Day for Epilepsy in Newfoundland and Labrador.

On the 26th day of March, people are encouraged to wear the colour purple to show their support for people with epilepsy and to increase public awareness of this disorder.

Mr. Speaker, nine-year-old Cassidy Megan of Nova Scotia was motivated by her own experience with epilepsy to create Purple Day in 2008. She chose the colour purple after the international colour for epilepsy, lavender. The lavender flower is often associated with solitude, which is representative of the feelings of isolation many people affected by epilepsy and seizure disorders often feel.

Cassidy’s goal in creating Purple Day was to get people talking about epilepsy in an effort to dispel myths, and inform those with seizures that they are not alone. Purple Day has quickly gained grassroots support and is now an international effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide.

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions and approximately one in 26 people will develop this disorder at some point in their lifetime. More than 10,000 people in Newfoundland and Labrador are affected by epilepsy.

Mr. Speaker, Purple Day is intended to help raise the awareness of epilepsy and reduce any stigma that exists around the disorder. I encourage people to visit the Epilepsy Newfoundland and Labrador website to learn about epilepsy, the different types of seizures, and to become familiar with the correct methods of first aid.

Mr. Speaker, I would also like to offer congratulations on behalf of the Provincial Government to Epilepsy Newfoundland and Labrador on its 30th anniversary. This organization continues to provide vital support and education to individuals with epilepsy and their families.

I invite the residents of Newfoundland and Labrador to participate in Purple Day activities in their communities and to wear purple next Tuesday as a show of support for people living with epilepsy.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 03 21             1:50 p.m.

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