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Executive Council
November 12, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Nick McGrath, Minister Responsible for Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs:

Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle Signed with Miawpukek First Nation

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in this Honourable House to acknowledge and celebrate an important milestone for the Miawpukek First Nation in assuming responsibility for its people.

I had the honour of participating in a ceremony held in Conne River last week, joining the Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, and Chief Mi’sel Joe, of Miawpukek First Nation, to sign a Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle.

Mr. Speaker, this Agreement-in-Principle is an important achievement in signaling the beginning of Final Agreement negotiations and moving Miawpukek First Nation closer to self-government; providing greater flexibility and control in the development and delivery of programs and services, in a manner best suited to Mi’kmaq culture and values.

Miawpukek developed and refined its vision for self-government based on extensive community consultations that took place throughout the negotiation process. As a self-governing First Nation, Miawpukek First Nation will provide for political and fiscal accountability in any constitution drafted in accordance with the eventual final agreement.

Upon conclusion of a final agreement, Miawpukek First Nation will be able to assume greater control over the conduct of its own affairs through the exercise of jurisdiction in several subject areas such as culture and language, education and social development, child and family services, health, land management and resource management.

Mr. Speaker, the jurisdictions set out in the Agreement-in-Principle will eventually allow the Miawpukek First Nation to better maintain and promote its linguistic, cultural and historic traditions.

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador strongly believes in the Aboriginal people of the province taking control of their own destinies and this agreement marks a significant step forward for the Miawpukek First Nation.

Mr. Speaker, I ask all honourable members to join me in congratulating the Miawpukek First Nation on this historic step forward towards self-government.

2013 11 12                                     2:30 p.m.

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