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Executive Council
June 21, 2013

Newfoundland and Labrador Recognizes National Aboriginal Day

Aboriginal people significantly contribute to the cultural fabric of Newfoundland and Labrador and all of Canada. Today, June 21, is National Aboriginal Day and it serves as a time for people throughout the province and across the country to celebrate the many contributions and achievements of Aboriginal people.

“Here in Newfoundland and Labrador there are several distinct Aboriginal groups – each with their own rich history, culture and traditions,” said the Honourable Felix Collins, Minister for Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs. “Through the negotiation of land claims, self-governing and other agreements, our government is continuing to facilitate greater autonomy for Aboriginal communities leading to the development and delivery of programs and services that respect and promote their unique cultures and identities.”

The Provincial Government is continuously seeking to strengthen its relationship with Aboriginal people and organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador. The recent formalization and publishing of the Aboriginal Consultation Policy on resource development in Labrador and the announcement of government’s intention to develop an Aboriginal Foundational Document in consultation with Aboriginal people and organizations in the province are further indications of this commitment.

Through Budget 2013: A Sound Plan, A Secure Future, funding is provided that will benefit Aboriginal people, their families and communities. Budget 2013 investments include $600,000 for grants for women and Aboriginal people in apprenticeship, $200,000 for the Aboriginal Women’s Violence Prevention Grants Program, $125,000 for the Inuit Women’s Capacity Building Project, $100,000 in continued support for the Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network and $50,000 for the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Program.

“National Aboriginal Day serves as a day to take stock of mutual achievements and to reaffirm and honour positive and productive relationships that will lead to further cooperation, understanding and progress on Aboriginal issues into the future,” said Minister Collins. “It is also a great opportunity for Aboriginal people to celebrate and promote their unique and vibrant cultures and to share them with all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.”

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Media contact:
Roger Scaplen
Director of Communications
Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs
Labrador Affairs Office
709-729-1674, 697-5267

2013 06 21             9:20 a.m.

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