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Service NL
November 28, 2012

Company and Supervisor Plead Guilty to Occupational Health and Safety Charges

Service NL announced today that DET Enterprises Ltd. and a company supervisor have pled guilty to violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. The charges were the result of an inspection which took place at a commercial building construction site in Gander on June 23, 2010. There were no injuries involved.

The company pled guilty to the following four charges; failure to provide a safe workplace, failure to provide training for their health and safety representative, a lack of adequate fall protection equipment, and failure to ensure that a written fall protection plan is in place. Each charge resulted in a fine of $2,500. Two other charges were withdrawn in exchange for guilty pleas.

Also, the company supervisor pled guilty to the charge of providing inadequate supervision, and was fined $500. The case concluded in Gander Provincial Court on October 23, 2012.

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Media contact:
Hugh Donnan
Director of Communications
Service NL
709-729-4860, 725-6511

2012 11 28                             10:15 a.m.

Last Updated:
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