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Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
June 22, 2010

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Shawn Skinner, Minister of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development:

Initiatives Spark Interest in Science, Engineering and Technology

Research, innovation, and advances in technology touch all areas of our lives and every sector of our economy.

Whether it is fisher people seeking new ways to maximize their catch or farmers identifying a better means of growing crops, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are no strangers to using innovation to advance their objectives.

In recent years, a progressive business community has forged the province to the forefront of many exciting industries — we are leaders in ocean technology, energy, and genetics research.

To foster continued excellence within our local industries, the Provincial Government is aggressively implementing its provincial innovation strategy — Innovation Newfoundland and Labrador: A Blueprint for Prosperity.

A central component of the innovation strategy was to engage the province's youth and capture their interest in science, engineering and technology. To make the gains that we envision for the province, connecting today's youth to the opportunities that exist in science, technology, and engineering is paramount.

An important step in achieving this goal was made in December 2009 with the commencement of 21 projects in schools and organizations across all regions of the province totaling more than $460,000.

As the academic school year nears its end, many of the projects have been completed.

I am pleased to report that the projects have been highly-successful and created valuable learning experiences.

For example, Women in Science and Engineering held workshops involving activities to foster closer relations with several Labrador communities and to initiate mentoring of young Aboriginal women.

In Harbour Grace, St. Francis School launched SMART Schools Sharing Space — an online initiative intended to inspire students to become involved in science and technology projects while developing problem solving skills. Students also made valuable connections with the Canadian Space Agency and their peers in Grand Falls-Windsor.

I personally had the opportunity to attend St. Matthew's Elementary Energy Fair. Upon entering the fair I was immediately engulfed by projects extending from the gym through the corridors, as well as enthusiastic students. Their enthusiasm was unmistakable as they turned static materials into innovative applications such as solar powered ovens called Shake and Bake and calculators operated by a mini wind turbine.

Our investment was well-served as students across the province were exposed to how science, technology and engineering can be fun and how it is a part of their lives.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the important role that the teachers and project administrators had in this valuable initiative, and thank them for their support and leadership.

2010 06 22                                                     1:40 p.m.

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