Human Resources, Labour and Employment
November 22, 2006

The following statement was issued today by the Honourable Paul Shelley, Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment and Minister Responsible for Housing. It was also read in the House of Assembly:

I rise today to advise my honourable colleagues that today, November 22, is National Housing and Homelessness Day. It is a day to raise awareness and draw attention to the goal of eliminating homelessness in Canada.

As well, 2006 marks the 10th anniversary of the national Raising the Roof Toque Campaign. Proceeds from this year�s Raising the Roof Toque Campaign will go to local shelter and supportive housing providers, including: the Tommy Sexton Centre, the AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador, Salvation Army, St. John�s Native Friendship Centre, Choices for Youth, and Stella Burry Community Services. These are associations that we at Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation have also supported and I was pleased to join with them today as they launched the campaign.

In 2005-06 NLHC, in partnership with the federal government, invested approximately $77 million in support of social housing programs throughout our province. The corporation also provides approximately $8 million in home repair grants and/or loans to more than 1,900 households annually which help keep low-income families in their own homes for as long as possible and prevent homelessness.

In addition, through the 2006 Affordable Housing Program request for proposals we will also successfully increase the number of seniors and other supportive housing units in our province by 125 � 150. Approximately $9 million was made available under this program to private and non-profit sector developers across the province, who submitted 58 proposals in total.

As a government we have demonstrated leadership and a commitment to strong and meaningful social programs and services. We have implemented a Poverty Reduction Strategy with a commitment of over $60 million dollars annually to improve the lives of low income Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. As well, our government has contributed to a home heating rebate to allow citizens more affordable and comfortable winters. Further, to improve the living conditions of those on who need our help the most, we have increased Income Support rates by five per cent and expanded the Provincial Prescription Drug Program to include some 37,000 individuals and gradually increasing for an additional 60,000. These are just some of the initiatives undertaken by our government to assist those who need help the most.

In closing, we are committed and willing to listen, learn and work with all community groups and levels of government to find the best possible solutions that will help to alleviate homelessness and improve the lives of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. Our most sincere congratulations and appreciation are extended to the St. John�s Community Advisory Committee on Homelessness, and all those involved with the Raising the Roof Toque Campaign.

2006 11 22                                                 2:30 p.m.

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