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March 16, 2006

Needs of adult basic education students in Deer Lake to be addressed

Joan Burke, Minister of Education, announced today that people studying Adult Basic Education (ABE) Level I in Deer Lake will be offered the opportunity to continue their studies at the College of the North Atlantic (CNA) satellite site in Deer Lake, which already offers ABE Levels II and III.

The students have been taking the program at the Deer Lake Learning Centre. However, the

centre is unable to meet the ABE Level I criteria of student/teacher ratio12:1. The department has been working to ensure that students will not have their studies interrupted.

"I am very pleased that College of the North Atlantic will partner with the department to offer the ABE Level I program. This solution not only meets the needs of the Level I students but will also provide additional spaces for people who are currently on a wait list for ABE Levels II and III at the college," said Minister Burke. "College of the North Atlantic is a comprehensive community college that offers 90 full-time programs and will provide an excellent environment in which the students can complete their course of study."

The Department of Education recognizes that a low literacy rate among adults is an issue that must be addressed in Newfoundland and Labrador. To that end, the literacy grant budget for 2005�06 was increased by 56 per cent to $469,000 specifically for ABE Level I and Adult Basic Literacy (ABL) programs.

In addition to accommodating students who are now on a wait list, the transition to CNA will also result in greater access for students to information about college programs, skills development programs and disability supports.

"We are committed to removing barriers that prevent adults from improving their skills and education and have allocated significant funding to community-based groups to deliver ABE Level I. There is a real need for this programming in many areas of the province and we must ensure that the funding is directed to where it�s needed most."

The contract with the Deer Lake Learning Centre expired in February. ABE Level I students can begin their instruction at the CNA Deer Lake satellite site immediately.

Media contact: Jacquelyn Howard, Communications, (709) 729-0048, 689-2624

2006 03 16                                                 12:55 p.m.

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