November 21, 2005
(Municipal Affairs)

Regional planning exercise for Humber Valley region proposed

In response to extensive growth and development in the Humber Valley Region Premier Danny Williams and Jack Byrne, Minister of Municipal Affairs, announced today that government will be proposing a comprehensive consultation and planning process to help guide the preparation of a land use plan and development guidelines for the region.

�This planning exercise will allow government to review the growth and development which has occurred over the past number of years, to consider current development issues and challenges and project how the region can be expected to grow into the future,� stated Premier Williams. �This will result in a comprehensive regional plan to guide development and land use which will serve as a blueprint for potential future growth.�

As a major policy document, the plan will determine a framework for development and reflect a number of provincial interests which include: directing new development to locations which are in the best interest of the entire region; establishing urban limits; setting out major transportation initiatives; establishing parameters for regional infrastructure; protecting existing and future water supply areas; natural resources; tourism; and reserving routes of proposed additions to the road system.

�It is important that we take the appropriate measures to plan for future needs of the Humber Valley Region, and the establishment of a comprehensive plan will help to address development pressures, concerns over long-term infrastructure implications and environmental issues that may occur,� said Minster Byrne. �This is a proactive measure by government to ensure that the best interests of the region are considered when new development is being discussed. At present, there are no policies in place to deal with issues such as sustainability, flood risk and servicing issues that may arise, and a regional plan will clarify land use and development guidelines.�

The department will be engaging communities through a consultation process, and are requesting all interested parties to bring forth issues of interest and concern. The department is inviting input from municipalities and interest groups in the Humber Valley Region, as well as government departments to solicit information and opinions on issues and concerns that may arise.

Tom Marshall, MHA for the District of Humber East, supports the move to define and implement a regional development plan. Minister Marshall said, �It is time that we recognize and address the changing needs of the region. A comprehensive plan with input from stakeholders in the region will provide important insight to plan and allow the Humber Valley Region to meet future residential, tourism and recreational needs.�

MHA for Humber Valley Kathy Goudie supports government�s intention to plan for the future. �There is tremendous potential for continued growth, and we can all benefit from the establishment of policies for land use in the region. The plan will clearly define opportunities for future growth while remaining committed to protecting the landscape and beauty of the west coast through sustainable and environmentally sound planning.�

It is estimated that the review will take two or more years to complete.

�Municipalities and stakeholder groups have an important role in providing information for future development and will assist the region to capitalize on its economic growth and the tourism potential of the area,� added Minister Byrne.

Further information on the consultation process and expressions of interest can be made by contacting Stan Clinton, Director of Urban and Rural Planning at (709) 729-3090 or through email at

Media contact: Heather MacLean, Communications, (709) 729-1983, 690-2498

2005 11 21                          9:30 a.m.

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