July 26, 2005
(Municipal and Provincial Affairs)

Province invests $840,155 to upgrade Stephenville water supply

Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs Jack Byrne and Minister Joan Burke, MHA for the District of St. George's - Stephenville East, today announced an $840,155 investment to upgrade the water system in Stephenville as part of government's 2005-06 Municipal Capital Works Program.

"This investment will enhance the water supply for the residents of Stephenville with the installation of a new water main," stated Minister Byrne. "The new water main will decrease demand on the water supply, ensure that residents have access to a quality efficient water system, and that the fire training water supply for Stephenville has adequate flows for the Fire Training Centre."

Minister Joan Burke, MHA for the District of St. George's - Stephenville East, is pleased that government has demonstrated a commitment to enhance water services for the area. "This investment will enhance the capabilities and improve the water supply for the residents of Stephenville, and help protect the interests of residents and the quality of municipal services."

Through the Municipal Capital Works Program, valued at $25.9 million for 2005-06, government supports municipal initiatives in water and wastewater systems, water management, roads, recreation, fire fighting equipment and municipal buildings.

"We are working with municipalities to ensure quality of water supplies and efficiency of services, and continue to strive for improvements and upgrades in water services and capital work initiatives throughout the province. Improving infrastructure remains a top priority of this government, and we will continue to work with municipalities to help address infrastructure needs and strengthen services for residents," added Minister Byrne.

Media contact:
Heather MacLean, Communications (709) 729-1983, 690-2498 or
Tanya Hawco, Executive Assistant for Minister Burke, (709) 685-0271

2005 07 26                          10:30 a.m.

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