September 13, 2004
(Human Resources, Labour and Employment)


Government contributes to Kids Eat Smart Foundation

With a new school year begun, government reaffirmed its commitment to the well being of children today with a contribution of $500,000 to the Kids Eat Smart Foundation.

Announced as part of Budget 2004, the $500,000 contribution will assist the foundation in providing breakfast, lunch and snack programs in schools and community centres throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.

"While this year our province has faced some difficult fiscal challenges, this government remains committed to ensuring the healthy well-being of our children," said Joan Burke, Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment. "I hope this investment by government in the children of our province encourages communities and private corporations to continue to work together to ensure that every child in the province attends school well nourished and ready to learn."

Since 1994 the Kids Eat Smart Foundation has helped establish more than 150 breakfast, lunch, and snack programs in schools and community centres throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. More than 4,000 volunteers are actively working in community-based groups to provide nutritious meals to more than 16,000 children daily.

Media contact: Jacquelyn Howard, Communications, (709) 729-4062

Photo #1: Joan Burke, Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Emplyment (left) presents the Kids Eat Smart Foundation's Jeannie House (centre), Chair of Board of Directors and Susan Green (right), Executive Director, with a $500,000 contribution on behalf of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The contribution will assist the foundation in providing breakfast, lunch and snack programs in schools and community centres throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.

2004 09 13               3:55 p.m.

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