April 27, 2004
(Executive Council)


The following statement was issued today by Joan Burke, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. It was also read in the House of Assembly:

Minister congratulates Nipavut organizers

I rise today to congratulate the organizers of Nipavut, the first retreat to be held in Nain, Labrador for Aboriginal women.

Nipavut is Inuktitut for "our voices." Not only is it the name given to the retreat, it is also the name of a women�s organization that was formed about three years ago in Nain. The members of this group work to build self-esteem and encourage empowerment among the Inuit women of Labrador. Several women from the north coast of Labrador and the Upper Lake Melville area participated in the retreat this past weekend. It was an opportunity for them to gather and discuss specific issues that Inuit women face in coastal Labrador communities such as health care, elder care, women�s place in decision-making and violence.

Women elders also participated in this retreat and provided guidance and insight on how women have dealt with women�s issues in their communities. The elders discussed the importance of maintaining cultural traditions, language, foods and being out on the land as a fundamental aspect of building women�s leadership, self-esteem and maintaining mental health.

I am pleased to inform my honorable colleagues that the Women�s Policy Office, on behalf of this government, provided $10,000 to fund the workshop. The participants report that it was a tremendous success and contact has already been made with national Aboriginal and Inuit organizations, a necessary step in having the women of Labrador connect with their counterparts across the country.

Again, congratulations to all of those involved and I am pleased that my office and government are able to support this extremely important grassroots effort.

2004 04 27                                         2:05 p.m.

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