March 31, 2003


Multi-Materials Stewardship Board awards agency of record contract

Gordon Seabright, chairman of Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB), and Environment Minister Bob Mercer announce today the award of the agency of record contract to M5 Marketing Communications in St. John�s.

"Through MMSB�s marketing and communication activities the board has raised awareness about recycling and waste management by providing information about the environment to people across Newfoundland and Labrador," said Mr. Seabright. "The board is looking forward to continuing its working relationship with M5 Marketing Communications and expects to see more positive results in the coming year."

The contract is for a two-year term, with options for extensions. It is anticipated that MMSB would pay up to $250,000 annually to the agency of record to support its marketing and communications activities. Five agencies submitted proposals to MMSB through an advertised request for proposals.

"The promotion campaign conducted by MMSB is an integral part of our recycling program," said Minister Mercer. "The people of Newfoundland and Labrador are more aware than ever of the benefits of recycling and I commend MMSB for its efforts."

MMSB will continue to encourage households, schools, offices, municipalities, and the general public to Get into a Green Routine. The goal of this marketing campaign, valued at $1 million annually, is to increase awareness of the provincial recycling and waste management programs and to inform people in the province about the benefits of recycling as a way of protecting our environment.

MMSB is a Crown agency established by the Department of Environment to develop, implement, and manage a variety of waste diversion programs in Newfoundland and Labrador. MMSB is responsible for the Beverage Container and Used Tire Recycling Programs, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, the administration of the Newfoundland and Labrador Waste Management Trust Fund, and the public education and awareness of the Used Oil Recycling Program and the Provincial Waste Management Strategy.

Media contact:

Karen O�Neill, MMSB, (709) 753-0949
Carmel Turpin, Department of Environment (709) 729-2575

2003 03 31              4:55 p.m.

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