December 5, 2002
(Works, Services and Transportation)

The following statement was issued today by Percy Barrett, Minister of Works, Services and Transportation. It was also read in the House of Assembly:

Christmas Lights Across Canada Ceremony 2002

I rise today to invite honourable members to the annual Christmas Lights Across Canada tree lighting ceremony, which will take place today, Thursday, December 5 in front of the East Block of the Confederation Building.

This will be the province�s 16th year participating in this national ceremony, and once again we join with our nation�s capital, as well as other provincial and territorial capitals in a show of unity during the Christmas season.

This year we are thrilled to have local talent Sheila Williams acting as the master of ceremonies for the event, and we will enjoy entertainment from Vanier Elementary School Choir and the Salvation Army St. John�s Citadel Band.

The event starts at 6:15 p.m. in the East Block of the Confederation Building, and at 6:45 p.m. Premier Grimes will turn on the switch that will illuminate the 60,000 lights found on the tree in front of the building and along the parkway.

Participating with lights again this year are the College of the North Atlantic, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Heritage Canada at Signal Hill, the Health Sciences Centre, and we welcome CBC, who will be displaying lights this year in conjunction with our ceremony.

This event promises to be a good time for all and I invite members to join in the celebration with us.

2002 12 05                                        2:05 p.m. 

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