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March 22, 2001
(Forest Resources and Agrifoods)


Funding increase for access roads

Rick Woodford, Minister of Forest Resources and Agrifoods, announced today an additional $200,000 for forest access roads for a total budget of $2.2 million for the 2001 program.

Mr. Woodford said the additional funding will help improve access to the province�s timber stands, especially in the remote areas of coastal Labrador. "There is a growing demand for access roads in Labrador where our forest resource is becoming more prominent in solving some of the island�s wood shortage. This budget increase will help us address the need for more infrastructure and help move the Labrador forest industry forward in a prudent and sustainable manner."

Mr. Woodford said government is committed to an efficient and environmentally responsible forest access roads network, which is key to the overall management of our forest ecosystem.

Mr. Woodford also announced $200,000 in funding for agriculture access roads, which will improve access to farm areas around the province and help enhance farming operations. "This new capital funding for agriculture access roads will improve access to existing farms and help open up new land for agriculture production, as well as help strengthen our province�s important agriculture industry overall," said Mr. Woodford.

Media contact: Sonia B. Glover, Communications, (709) 729-6183.

2001 03 22                  4:05 p.m.


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