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December 21, 1998

Education reform is working - government re-investing savings

"Education reform is paying big dividends for the children of Newfoundland and Labrador," said Judy Foote, Minister of Education. "The $75 million in school capital construction projects announced last week, which will result in 16 new schools and six redevelopments is the most significant investment in education since Confederation."

"Contrary to recent statements by the leader of the opposition, government has indeed invested savings realized as a result of measures that have come about from school reform," said Minister Foote.

"For example, last summer repairs and maintenance and air quality projects were carried out in 200 schools, ensuring that the students of Newfoundland and Labrador have a safe, clean and comfortable learning environment. This was the most ambitious repair and maintenance program ever carried out," said Minister Foote. "More than 150 schools underwent repairs such as painting of classrooms, exterior painting, repairs to floors, siding, entrances, walkways, heating systems, washrooms, construction and repairs of playgrounds and other general refurbishing of school buildings."

"Government also reinvested close to $6 million in air quality related projects for up to 200 schools," said Minister Foote. Remediation actions included roof repair or replacement, repairing water damaged ceiling tiles and wall materials, replacing carpets with tile flooring, installing operable windows that open at the top, improving or adding ventilation systems to increase air circulation and improve humidity and temperature levels.

Education reform and government's commitment to education in the province has given government the leverage to borrow the necessary funds for the ambitious capital construction projects just announced. The Education Investment Corporation will administer the required funds.

"Education is a priority for this government. We will continue to make good on our commitment to provide the best opportunities possible to the students of this province in preparing them to meet the challenges of the new millennium," said Minister Foote.

Each of the new schools to be constructed will be equipped with technology labs, library-resource centres with Internet service and CD-ROMS. Each classroom, lab and specialist area will be fitted with several computers for students and one for the teacher; rural schools will have access to distance education programs and satellite dishes for Internet access. As well, local area networks will be set up to allow for transfer of data from one computer to another within the building. The schools will contain heating and ventilation systems, gymnasiums, accessibility for students with physical disabilities, and specialized areas to provide necessary care for students with disabilities.

"Government is committed to schools that are maintained at the highest standard possible, staffed with well qualified teachers and equipped with the most modern technology and teaching aids, so that our children can access courses and programs that will enable them to compete with students from around the globe," concluded Minister Foote.

Media contact: Nancy Healey, (709) 729-0048

1998 12 21              4:50 p.m.

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