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June 2, 1997
(Government Services and Lands)

Sweepstakes and 1-900 numbers

The Department of Government Services and Lands advises consumers that 1-900 numbers are not toll-free.

Carol Furlong, Supervisor of Trade Practices, says: "Sweepstakes notices and official looking documents often arrive in the mail suggesting that we are winners of large sums of money or fabulous prizes. Many of these notices state that in order to claim a prize, we must call a 1-900 telephone number. These calls are billed to the person making the call. The call usually lasts seven minutes or more. Sometimes it's longer because a consumer can be put on hold and told to wait.

"Requiring you to call a 1-900 number is how these operators make money. The longer you are on the line, the more money you spend and the more money they make. These types of schemes are very popular and result in the loss of millions of dollars annually for Canadian consumers.

"Consumers should be very cautious about offers of prizes which cost money, even if it is hidden in the cost of a telephone call. Consumers should also seek advice from our consumer affairs officers."

The department points out, however, that many reputable businesses often use a 1-900 telephone number to provide valid services. Ms. Furlong says: "These days it is becoming increasingly more important for buyers to beware."

  • Contact:

    Rick Callahan
    Director of Communications
    (709) 729-4860

    Carol Furlong
    Supervisor, Trade Practices
    (709) 729-4196

1997 06 02 3:30 p.m.

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