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April 4, 1996
(Forest Resources and Agrifoods)

National Wildlife Week - April 7-13
10th Anniversary of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan

Beaton Tulk, Minister of Forest Resources and Agrifoods and the minister responsible for wildlife, is pleased to announce today the Canada Goose Adoption Project to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan.

The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) was signed in 1986 between Canada and the United States in response to the dramatic decline of waterfowl populations. To implement the policies of NAWMP, 14 joint ventures were established. These joint ventures consist of partnerships between individuals, corporations, conservation organizations, and local, provincial and federal agencies. Most of the activity in Newfoundland is funded through the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV). The major partners in the EHJV are the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadian Wildlife Service, Wildlife Habitat Canada, and Ducks Unlimited Canada.

One of the more noteworthy programs is the Wetland Stewardship Agreement initiative where municipalities, corporations and individuals sign agreements with the provincial government for the designation of waterfowl habitat and the development of management plans for these areas. Communities which have signed Wetland Stewardship Agreements include; Whitbourne, Come by Chance, Gander, Carmanville, and Stephenville Crossing. Other programs include a partnership of the Canadian Wildlife Service and Ducks Unlimited Canada in an intensive eider enhancement program, and the completion of a major restoration project on the Upper Humber Wetlands which contains the highest inland breeding duck density in Newfoundland.

"Among several activities planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of NAWMP," Mr. Tulk said, "the Wildlife Division of my department has arranged for the adoption of orphaned Canada Geese by municipalities that have signed Wetland Stewardship Agreements with the provincial government." The geese will be encouraged to nest on a suitable pond within the municipality's jurisdiction. The geese for this project were made available from the Salmonier Nature Park. The goslings will be allowed to stay in the wild, whereas the adults will be returned to the Nature Park for the winter months.

Contact: Michael Cahill, Chief of Conservation and Habitat Wildlife Division, (709) 729-2548; or Anna Buffinga, Coordinator, Information and Education, Forestry and Wildlife Branch, (709) 729-3750.

1996 04 04
10:05 a.m.

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