Transportation and Works
September 29, 2016

Strengthening the Province's Transportation System

Ministers Meet to Discuss the Future of Transportation in Canada

The Honourable Al Hawkins, Minister of Transportation and Works, met with federal, provincial and territorial colleagues yesterday (Wednesday, September 28) at the fall 2016 meeting of the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety in Toronto.

"After a productive meeting of ministers, including federal Minister of Transport, Marc Garneau, I am pleased with discussions around Newfoundland and Labrador's transportation network and am confident in the Federal Government's commitment to continue to work with the province in moving our priorities forward."
- The Honourable Al Hawkins, Minister of Transportation and Works

Ministers discussed the future of the transportation system in Canada including a number of shared priority areas aimed to enhance safety, support internal and international trade, improve the traveller experience, address climate change and foster innovation. Federal Minister Garneau, also provided an update on the Canada Transportation Act Review Report.

Minister Hawkins specifically addressed challenges and opportunities for transportation in the north and the continued need for transportation infrastructure funding. He also emphasized the importance of safety in the transportation sector.

While in Toronto, Minister Hawkins also spoke at the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) annual conference, inviting all members to St. John's when Newfoundland and Labrador hosts the event in 2017.

"Next year, Newfoundland and Labrador will host the 2017 National Transportation Association of Canada Conference and accompanying Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety meetings. Hundreds of delegates will visit our province to exchange ideas, information and best practices on related transportation issues. We look forward to seeing delegates here next year to experience everything our province has to offer."
- Minister Hawkins

Investments in public infrastructure and ongoing collaboration between ministers drive future long-term economic growth and promote and enhance a safe and reliable transportation system.


  • Minister Hawkins attended the fall 2016 meeting of the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety (COMT).
  • Federal, provincial and territorial ministers reaffirmed their commitment to work together to build a modern, reliable transportation network.
  • Minister Hawkins also addressed the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Conference and Exhibition.
  • The 2017 TAC Conference is being held in St. John's, September 24-27.

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Media contact:

Blair Medd
Director of Communications
Department of Transportation and Works
709-729-3015, 631-8465

2016 09 29            10:40 a.m.