Health and Community Services
January 27, 2016

Providing Support and Reducing Stigma

It�s Bell Let�s Talk Day across Canada

The Provincial Government is joining individuals and organizations across Canada in recognizing Bell Let�s Talk Day.

�I encourage everyone to get involved in Bell Let�s Talk Day today. It�s a unique opportunity for us all to come together and further the conversation about mental health and well-being. We are working with community partners every day to break down barriers and provide access to high quality mental health care services.�
- The Honourable John Haggie, Minister of Health and Community Services

The Provincial Government and community partners will be working together to spread the word about the importance of reducing stigma and providing support for mental health and substance use issues. As part of efforts to promote the supports available, information for connecting with guidance resources around mental health will be made available today for students at information kiosks in a number of schools throughout the province.

The Provincial Government has two free mental health apps � one for youth and one for adults � called Bridge the gAPP. Through the apps, individuals can also gain free access via   to an eight-week online self-management program called the BreathingRoom.

�Bell Let's Talk Day is helping to change attitudes around mental health all across Canada. With the support of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and our many partners in the community, Bell Let�s Talk Day is building awareness about mental health issues, helping reduce the stigma of mental illness and growing support for mental health services here in Atlantic Canada and across the country.�
- Dan McKeen, Vice Chair and Senior Vice President, Bell Aliant, Atlantic

For every text message, wireless and long distance call made today by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant customers, as well as all tweets using the hashtag #BellLetsTalk and shares of the campaign�s Facebook page at , Bell will donate five cents more to Canadian mental health programs.

�On behalf of the Minister�s Advisory Council on Mental Health and Addictions, I would like to emphasize the critical importance of all parts our community working together to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness. Although a great deal of progress has been made to bring dialogue on mental health into the open, there is much more that we must do together.�
- Sheldon Pollett, Interim Chair, Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council

For more information and to find out how to participate in Bell Let�s Talk Day, visit


  • The Provincial Government is joining individuals and organizations across Canada in recognizing Bell Let�s Talk Day.
  • The Provincial Government has two free apps � one for youth and one for adults � called Bridge the gAPP that connect users with supports for improving mental wellness.
  • For every text message, wireless and long distance call made today by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant customers, as well as all tweets using the hashtag #BellLetsTalk and shares of the campaign�s Facebook page at , Bell will donate five cents to Canadian mental health programs.
  • For more information and to find out how to participate in Bell Let�s Talk Day, visit .

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Media contact(s):

Tina Williams
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Community
709-729-1377, 728-2837
Mark Duggan
Communications, Bell Aliant

Sheldon Pollett
Provincial Mental Health and Addictions
Advisory Council

2016 01 27                              1:50 p.m.