Executive Council
June 18, 2015

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Keith Russell, Minister of Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs:

Minister Celebrates National Aboriginal Day

Mr. Speaker, I rise in this Honourable House to recognize all Aboriginal people across Newfoundland and Labrador as we celebrate National Aboriginal Day this Sunday, June 21.

I am a proud Inuk of Labrador and I am honoured to be working with a government that believes in diversity, inclusion and advocacy as we move towards reconciliation. We are fortunate to have many Aboriginal governments and organizations in this province including the Qalipu Mi’Kmaq First Nation Band, the Miawpukek First Nation, NunatuKavut Community Council, the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government.

Mr. Speaker, this year National Aboriginal Day is especially poignant following the release of the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This has been an especially emotional couple of weeks as we have heard numerous courageous survivors relate their heart-breaking stories of their experiences in the residential schools system. In this province, we have done much work towards reconciliation but we still have much more to do.

Some of the steps we have taken include negotiating and settling land claims, publishing our Aboriginal consultation policy, advancing a land claim and self-government implementation policy and Aboriginal Human Resource Strategy, as well as undertaking a review of the K-12 curriculum for Aboriginal content and delivery. Through these and other initiatives implemented since 2004, we have been establishing and strengthening our relationships with Aboriginal communities and people. We have a strong foundation from which we hope to foster an even stronger relationship with the Aboriginal people of this province in the future.

Mr. Speaker, I encourage all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to take time this weekend to participate in activities being held throughout the province and learn about Aboriginal traditions, languages and values. I will be celebrating by raising the Mi’Kmaq flag in Corner Brook and attending celebration events in Sheshatshiu as well as at the Labrador Friendship Centre in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Aboriginal people have a special connection to the land. Having a chance to experience this way of life should not be missed by anyone so please enjoy the celebrations and take in the tastes, the sounds and the beautiful woven tapestry of traditions and practices that are all a part of our province.

Thank you.

2015 06 18                            1:50 p.m.