Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
November 4, 2015

Media Advisory: Media Advertising Blackout

Media are advised that, in the event that election writs are issued prior to Sunday, November 8, 2015 (the latest date the election can be called), a media advertising blackout will take effect at the beginning of the writ period.

Media advertising is defined as television, radio, newspaper and periodical ads that promote or oppose a political party or candidate. During an election, such ads are only permitted for the 21 days prior to the day before polling day. For example, during a 24 day writ period, the first three days of the writ period are blacked out (including writ day itself). In this scenario, media advertisements are not permitted until Sunday, November 8.

The blackout period does not apply to general public service announcements which may offer, for example, basic contact information and rides to the polls.

If election writs are issued prior to Sunday, November 8, it will be incumbent upon the media to review all advertisements of a political nature that they have scheduled to run to ensure they are not in violation of the Elections Act, 1991.

Please refer to Elections Newfoundland and Labrador's brochure on Political Advertising for more information

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Media contact:

Adrienne Luther
Communications and Training Manager
Elections Newfoundland and Labrador
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
709-729-1474, 687-4217

2015 11 04                              4:15 p.m.