Child, Youth and Family Services
June 8, 2015

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Sandy Collins, Minister of Child, Youth and Family Services:

Minister Recognizes Foster Families Association Annual Symposium

Mr. Speaker, I rise in this Honourable House today to recognize the annual Newfoundland and Labrador Foster Families Association symposium which took place in St. John’s this past weekend.

The theme for this year’s provincial symposium was Fostering Well Being and brought together foster parents, social workers, representatives of foster care associations and community partners from across the province to participate in workshops. It also provided an opportunity for foster parents to network with their peers, share experiences with one another and celebrate being foster parents.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Foster Families Association plays an extremely valuable role in our child protection system, facilitating safe and supportive environments for children and youth in care. Mr. Speaker, I want to take the opportunity to thank the association for its dedication to this vulnerable sector of our population, and all foster parents throughout the province for opening their hearts and homes to the many children and youth in their time of need. Nurturing, advocacy, teamwork, training and support – all are key to the fostering experience and to the work which is undertaken each and every day to support children and youth who are in care throughout our province.

Mr. Speaker, I am also very pleased to acknowledge the official launch of the Foster Care Handbook which took place at the symposium. It is important that foster families are recognized and supported for the significant role they play in the lives of children and youth who have been welcomed into their homes. Developed through a partnership between the Foster Families Association and the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services, the handbook is designed to help foster families understand the policies and procedures that govern the important task at hand – namely the care and protection of children and youth entrusted to their care.

Our Foster a Future campaign has been very successful since its implementation, and continues to create awareness surrounding the need for more foster parents. To date, the campaign has resulted in the approval of 175 new placements in 115 foster homes. Our government will continue the campaign this year through an investment of $150,000.

Mr. Speaker, I commend the Newfoundland and Labrador Foster Families Association for their tremendous contributions to our province, and I look forward to a continued partnership built on the best interests of children and youth in care.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2015 06 08                                                                          2:00 p.m.