Service NL
December 8, 2014

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Tony Cornect, Minister of Service NL:

Minister Encourages Participation in Project Red Ribbon

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today in this Honourable House to recognize the launch of the Project Red Ribbon campaign. Project Red Ribbon is Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s longest running and most well-known public awareness campaign. This morning I had the honour and privilege of attending the launch with the Premier.

For the past 27 years, the red ribbon has been a prominent, two-fold symbol. When you “tie one on,” it is a symbol of your commitment to stay sober when driving. This is especially important to remember when commuting during the busy holiday season. The red ribbon also serves as a highly visible tribute to those killed and injured due to impaired driving crashes.

Mr. Speaker, the greatest tragedy of all is the fact that these impaired driving crashes are preventable. Each year, almost 1,500 Canadians are killed and more than 63,000 are injured in impairment related crashes.

I commend Mothers Against Drunk Driving in their continued efforts to make our roads and highways safe and sober and to help create a culture of safe driving. When you take the wheel, you take responsibility - not just for your own life, but the lives of those on the road with you.

Mr. Speaker, it is up to each and every one of us to play an active role in reducing these statistics. Never drive impaired, or with an impaired driver. If you plan on drinking, arrange for a designated driver or call a cab and if you suspect someone is driving impaired, call 911 or your local police detachment and report it to the police. These are important messages which we cannot repeat too often.

Mr. Speaker, I would also like to take this opportunity to remind all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians that it’s not just alcohol that impairs. Illegal drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medication and even fatigue can impact one’s ability to safely operate a motorized vehicle.

Project Red Ribbon will continue until January 4 and I ask all members in this Honourable House to join me in promoting Project Red Ribbon.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2014 12 08                                       1:55 p.m.