Service NL
November 20, 2014

Changes to Highway Traffic Act Support Safety for Families

Amendment to the Highway Traffic Act Clarifies Rules for Roundabouts

Legislation was introduced in the House of Assembly today that will clarify the rules of the road for drivers approaching, entering and exiting a roundabout. The amendments will define drivers’ duties when using roundabouts and also provide police with the tools to enforce the safe use of roundabouts.

“Drivers entering a roundabout must yield the right of way to traffic already in the circle and enter only when a safe gap in traffic is available. Once in the roundabout, they must also yield to vehicles on their left which want to exit the roundabout. Roundabouts are an effective means to safely assist the flow of traffic in areas where traffic volume is high. They are used effectively in many other jurisdictions across Canada and around the world.”
- The Honourable Tony Cornect, Minister of Service NL

Roundabouts have a number of safety benefits in that they temporarily slow traffic to a safer speed for nearby pedestrians. Because traffic flows in a single direction, it eliminates the risk of dangerous “T-bone” collisions that can occur at conventional four-way intersections.

“Municipalities in our province are now starting to look at the benefits of constructing roundabouts to aid in traffic flow. In light of this, Service NL has provided information on how to properly use a roundabout on our website and we are updating the Road Users Guide to include a section on roundabouts. This will provide drivers with information on how to approach, enter and exit a roundabout.”
- Minister Cornect

These amendments will bring Newfoundland and Labrador’s laws in line with a number of other jurisdictions in the country. Fines will range from $100 to $400, with a period of incarceration of from two to 14 days for default of payment. This is consistent with other similar violations under the act. Amendments are also being made to the Highway Traffic Demerit Point System Regulations to apply two demerit points upon conviction. The Carrier Safety Regulations will also include three compliance indicators for violations by commercial vehicles.


  • Legislation was introduced in the House of Assembly to clarify that drivers must yield when approaching and entering a roundabout.
  • The amendment to the Highway Traffic Act will clearly define drivers’ duties when using roundabouts and will also provide police with the tools to enforce the safe use of roundabouts. Drivers in a roundabout must also yield to vehicles on the left which want to exit the roundabout.
  • Information on how to properly use a roundabout can be found on Service NL’s website,
  • Fines will range from $100 to $400, with a period of incarceration from two to 14 days for default of payment.
  • Amendments are also being made to the Highway Traffic Demerit Point System Regulations to apply two demerit points upon conviction and to the Carrier Safety Regulations to apply three compliance indicators for violations by commercial vehicles.


Media contact:
Vanessa Colman-Sadd
Director of Communications
Service NL
709-729-4860, 682-6593

2014 11 20                           4:10 p.m.