Natural Resources
December 10, 2014

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Derrick Dalley, Minister of Natural Resources:

Growing Forward 2 Agreement Encourages Innovation in Agriculture and Agrifoods Sector

Mr. Speaker, I rise in this Honourable House today to highlight the significant contribution the Growing Forward 2 program is making to the agriculture and agrifoods sector.

The initial Growing Forward program was cost shared by the Provincial and Federal Governments and implemented by the Department of Natural Resources. From 2008 to 2013, $29 million was invested to promote the sector.

This first program was so successful that we did not hesitate to partner with our federal counterparts for Growing Forward 2. Over five years, we will contribute $14.8 million, which is 40 per cent of the total $37 million budget.

Growing Forward 2 is built on partnerships. Farmers and producers use this program to further enhance their entrepreneurial spirit, to be creative and innovative, and to help drive economic growth.

In 2013, the Provincial and Federal Governments invested close to $6 million in 158 projects under Growing Forward 2. Another $6 million will be allocated for 130 projects in Newfoundland and Labrador during 2014. Here are some examples.

Pure Holsteins Limited in Little Rapids has a new, state-of-the-art milk production system because of Growing Forward 2. This is the first robotic milking system in Newfoundland and Labrador and already this innovative project has resulted in an 18 per cent increase in milk production.

Lester’s Farm Market Inc. has a new harvester that improves crop harvesting speed and efficiency. Our investment will enable the farm to be more competitive and allow them to increase their acreage.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture, in partnership with the Young Farmers Forum, will be able to complete a training needs assessment and deliver a Young Farmer’s Leadership Summit because of Growing Forward 2.

Growing Forward 2 continues to invest more than $300,000 in Agriculture in the Classroom activities, including the Little Green Thumbs program which is being offered in 70 classrooms this year. School children learn to grow vegetables in their classrooms and to understand the value of food production and healthy eating.

Mr. Speaker, the Newfoundland and Labrador agriculture and agrifoods sector generates direct and indirect employment for approximately 6,500 men and women in Newfoundland and Labrador communities. The total value of the sector is more than $500 million a year. I commend the excellent work being done through Growing Forward 2. We will build on these successes in the years to come. Thank you.

2014 12 10                                       2:25 p.m.