Natural Resources
July 23, 2014

Public Advisory: Current Weather Conditions and Temperatures Warrant Continuation of Outdoor Fire Ban

The outdoor fire ban implemented by the Department of Natural Resources on July 21 for forested areas in all regions of the island will remain in place until weather and forest conditions warrant lifting the ban. The department thanks residents for their cooperation.

The recent dry weather and hot temperatures being experienced on the island heightened the forest fire threat throughout all areas. The forest fire index is currently at extreme levels in many regions which are receiving very little precipitation. Given the conditions, the department is taking appropriate measures to prevent forest fires.

Under the ban, outdoor fires are not permitted in areas where there are trees or shrubs, including dry marsh, bog land, barrens and beaches. Many municipalities on the island also have a fire ban in place that complements the Provincial Government’s. Residents should note that Labrador is not included in the fire ban.

Island residents should be aware that under the fire ban:

  • Unauthorized burning, including campfires and brush burning, cannot take place in and around forested areas.
  • All fireworks are included in the ban, except for sanctioned firework displays conducted by towns and local communities with appropriate fire suppression resources on hand.
  • Gas barbeques and CSA approved patio wood burning devices can be used at this time, except in municipalities that have issued a ban. The devices include those with spark arresters installed so that embers cannot escape into the air.

The Provincial Government has adequate resources in place to manage fires throughout the forest fire season with waterbombers, helicopters and firefighters stationed around the province.

A toll-free number is available to report forest fires during forest fire season. The number is 1-866-709-FIRE (3473).


Media contact:
Diana Quinton
Director of Communications
Department of Natural Resources
709-729-5282, 631-8155

2014 07 23                                 4:30 p.m.