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Tourism, Culture and Recreation
May 7, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Terry French, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation:

Minister Highlights 5th Anniversary of PICTURE START Program

Mr. Speaker, last evening, the Newfoundland Independent Filmmakers Co-operative, Telefilm Canada and the Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation celebrated the fifth anniversary of its PICTURE START program at Empire Theatres. The event showcased highlights of the program over the past five years, including interviews with the filmmaking teams that have participated.

The PICTURE START program focuses on skills enhancement of emerging filmmakers by pairing them with established filmmakers and film industry professionals. The hands-on approach is complemented by a series of workshops offered by local and national experts, and senior filmmakers mentor junior artists throughout the development, production and post-production phases of the projects.

Mr. Speaker, each year the program’s jury selects three scripts from an open competition and the winners are provided with the various resources they need to produce their first film. The program allows for access to expertise, equipment, and mentoring that is often a challenge for many up-and-coming filmmakers in the province. Undoubtedly, this program will continue to contribute to the growth of the Newfoundland and Labrador film industry by fostering future professionals who will potentially establish production companies and continue to create programming based at home. In its five-year history, PICTURE START has completed 15 films, and all 33 participants are currently employed in the film industry in the province.

The success of PICTURE START is evident in the numerous careers that have their roots in the program’s short history. Filmmakers such as Jordan Canning, Joel Hynes, and Sherry White to name a few, have had their careers launched through this innovative program. Their success, Mr. Speaker, has been realized both locally and abroad.

Mr. Speaker, the Provincial Government invests approximately $6 million in the film industry which generated more than $41 million in film and production activity in the province during the last fiscal year. Our government is pleased to be a strong supporter of our cultural industries, and Budget 2013: A Sound Plan, A Secure Future includes more than $17 million for the cultural and heritage sectors, bringing our total investment to $87 million since the launch of Creative Newfoundland and Labrador: The Blueprint for Development and Investment in Culture in 2006.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2013 05 07             1:55 p.m.

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