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Executive Council
December 18, 2013

Responsible Investments Support Coastal Communities

Labrador Subsidy Continues to Provide Snowmobile Access for Coastal Communities

The Provincial Government remains committed to the needs of Labradorians through continued funding for the snowmobile trail system that connects isolated communities throughout the winter season.

“Our Labrador Transportation Grooming Subsidy provides for an annual investment of $350,000 to participating community groups to help provide winter snowmobile access between isolated communities, not connected to the Trans Labrador Highway. With volatile weather, challenging terrain and a significant travel distance between these communities our government is also pleased to employ a seasonal trail inspector to ensure that grooming activity is performed as safely as possible.”
- The Honourable Nick McGrath, Minister Responsible for Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs

The funding helps to pay for groomer equipment, repairs, trail markings and upgrades. Individual communities are responsible for grooming their portion of the trail and funding provided to each community is based on trial length.

All trail groomers are equipped with a GPS system, so that each grooming machine can be tracked in real time. The GPS tracking device ensures the safety of the groomer operator, especially if there is extreme weather or a technical issue with a machine. With the operator being tracked at all times, trail users can check online to see what sections of trail have been groomed prior to their departure.

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is committed to supporting important social programs, strong communities and the health and well-being of children, families and seniors.


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  • Honourable Nick McGrath, Minister Responsible for Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs, investigates the grooming equipment in North West River, Labrador - December 13, 2013.
Honourable Nick McGrath, Minister Responsible for Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs, investigates the grooming equipment in North West River, Labrador - December 13, 2013.

Media contact:
Carol Ann Carter
Director of Communications
Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs
709-729-3015, 631-9505

2013 12 18                                     3:20 p.m.

Last Updated:
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