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Executive Council
November 27, 2013

The following statement was given today in the House of Assembly by the Honourable Nick McGrath, Minister Responsible for Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs:

Air Foodlift Subsidy Continues to Ensure Perishable Foods on Labrador Coast

Mr. Speaker, our government remains committed to ensuring that residents on the Labrador coast have continued access to nutritious, perishable foods at a reasonable cost.

Our Air Foodlift Subsidy, while available year-round, certainly becomes increasingly more important as marine service to coastal Labrador comes to a close for the year. Under this program, a subsidy is paid to eligible retailers to offset the high cost of flying perishable foods into remote communities and retailers are then required to pass these savings on to their customers.

Our continued investment in the Air Foodlift Subsidy helps ensure Labradorians in isolated communities have continued access to nutritious, perishable foods such as milk, eggs, juice, yogurt, cheese, fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, bread and grain products as well as infant formula.

Mr. Speaker, we are very proud to be the only province in Canada to continue to provide a food subsidy, over and above the Federal Government’s Nutrition North Canada program.

Eligible retailers in Labrador are encouraged to register for both the federal and provincial subsidy programs. Retailers can receive an air freight subsidy of 100 per cent for milk and 80 per cent for all other food items, after the Nutrition North Canada subsidy is applied.

Retailers registered in the communities of Black Tickle, Rigolet, Postville, Makkovik, Hopedale, Nain and Natuashish can avail of subsidies year-round and retailers on the south coast and on the Labrador Straits can avail of the program if and when marine service is interrupted for more than five consecutive days.

Mr. Speaker, our government is committed to supporting healthy lifestyles among all residents of the province. We are very pleased to continue to offer the Air Foodlift Subsidy program to ensure that healthy foods are accessible and affordable, supporting people in their efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

2013 11 27                                             2:15 p.m.

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