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May 25, 2006
(Executive Council)

The following statement was issued today by Premier Danny Williams. It was also read in the House of Assembly:

It is my distinct privilege and honour today to rise in this House and pay tribute to the honourable Member for Signal Hill-Quidi Vidi as he prepares to step down as the leader of the province�s New Democratic Party, a post he has held since November of 1992.

Mr. Harris started out his political life very early, being elected as the president of the Council of the Students Union at Memorial University.

He then went on to become the NDP Member of Parliament for St. John�s East in 1987 and served in the House of Commons in Ottawa until the federal general election of November 1988.

The honourable gentleman opposite has been a member of this House for 15 consecutive years since he was elected in a by-election in 1990, making him among the longest-serving members of the current General Assembly.

As the NDP leader, he has led his party in four successive general election campaigns � 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2003 � and has faced five premiers across the floor of the legislature.

During much of that time, the member stood alone as a caucus of one, with shadow cabinet responsibilities for every portfolio and the natural expectation that, as leader, he would be on top of all of the issues.

Surely this was not an easy burden to bear alone, but bear this burden he did. And he did so with dedication and commitment that each and every member in this house should aspire to.

He bore the mantle of leadership with dignity and distinction, and persevered to do tremendous work for the people of this province.

He was at all times a tireless champion for the vulnerable and a vocal advocate for the values that define his party and that will mark his legacy as leader.

He has applied his extensive legal background and the parliamentary experience he gained both in the House of Assembly and in the House of Commons to improve legislation and to do his part to help shape public policy in ways that would benefit the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.

He has earned an enduring reputation for his insight, his tenacity, his exceptional debating skills, his love for Newfoundland and Labrador and, above all, his compassion for people.

It has truly been a privilege to see him work and to work with him over the years, both in public office and in other roles.

On behalf of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians I thank him personally for dedicating so many years of his life to his province as the leader of the New Democratic Party and for striving at all times to make a lasting and meaningful difference in people�s lives.

I wish him, Anne, Amelia, Sarah and John well as they pursue new challenges and opportunities in the years ahead.

2006 05 25                                 2:00 p.m.

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