St. Mary’s Bay Tourism Initiative


The Canada-Newfoundland Agreement for the Economic Development Component of the Canadian Fisheries and Adjustment Initiative (EDC) is investing $331,965 in two tourism initiatives in the St. Mary’s Bay area.

The Town of St. Vincent’s-St. Stephen’s-Peter’s River will enhance accessibility for whale watching in the St. Vincent’s/Holyrood Beach area with funding of $93,396.

Whale watching is a major attraction along the Southern Shore, particularly in the

St. Vincent’s-Holyrood Beach area between June and August when humpback whales feed in deep waters very close to the steep beach. The project entails construction of a parking lot, boardwalk and viewing platform with coin-operated telescopes to allow for better and longer viewing periods. The project will create six short-term jobs.

The St. Mary’s Bay Centre Development Association will develop three key tourism initiatives totalling $238,569 and creating 26 short-term jobs:

completion of archeology work in preparation of the development of a military battery site in St. Mary’s; the tourism strategy for the region proposes the development of six military gun batteries in the Irish Loop region located in Bay Bulls, Ferryland, Fermuse, Renews, Trepassey, and St. Mary’s. Archeology work has been completed for all other sites.

  • establishment of a Veteran’s Interpretation Centre to display and store artifacts related to the military to build on the region’s military theme;
  • construction of a hiking trail from Hare Hill to Holyrood Pond — a unique land-locked fjord — to allow visitors to view the pond and surrounding area.

All of these initiatives will encourage additional tourist visitation to the region and encourage them to complete the Irish Loop, spending more time and money in the region. These projects are part of the region’s overall tourism strategy and are expected to further economic development spin off and business opportunities in the region.

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