EVEDC, Town of Botwood Tourism Initiative


The Canada-Newfoundland Agreement for the Economic Development Component of the Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring Initiative (EDC) is contributing $420,000 towards the expansion of the Exploits Valley region’s existing tourism product.

The Exploits Valley Economic Development Corporation (EVEDC) is one of 20 Regional Economic Development Boards in Newfoundland and Labrador. The board has a mandate to identify and promote economic development priorities for the region.

The EVEDC, in partnership with the Town of Botwood, and the Exploits Valley Tourism Association (EVTA), will combine expertise and resources to improve tourism infrastructure in the towns of Botwood, Northern Arm, Point Leamington, Phillip’s Head, Point of Bay, Cottrell’s Cove, Fortune harbour, Glover’s Harbour and Leading Tickles.

The EVEDC has determined that the communities identified for tourism infrastructure improvements in this project have considerable potential for tourism expansion and have had limited tourism promotion and development to date.

The project will build linkages between existing sites and facilities, and develop new attractions which complement the overall tourism marketing and development plan for the region. With coordination by the EVEDC and the Town of Botwood, individual communities within the zone will take the responsibility for implementing projects in their respective areas. The EVEDC and the EVTA will work together to create a marketing plan for the newly enhanced tourism product.

The construction phase of the project as a whole will provide 700 weeks of short term work. Municipalities, partners and individual businesses will hire an additional 10 staff members to facilitate the expansion.

This project has been identified as a top priority of the Exploits Valley Economic Development Corporation.

The individual elements of the project will effectively close the gaps between existing and needed tourism activities, attractions, accommodations and services. Within the context of the region’s positioning statement Exploits Wild and Free, the project will greatly increase the area’s ability to attract, and retain tourists.

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